The American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) offers its prestigious FACHE credential, signifying board certification in healthcare management. One of the requirements to earn, and maintain, the Fellow credential is to demonstrate 36 hours of continuing education credit. While 12 hours of this credit must be ACHE Face-to-Face (F2F) Credit, the remaining 24 hours can be Qualified Education Credit (QEC).
We will be offering both ACHE Face-to-Face (F2F) Education credits and ACHE-approved Qualified Education Credits (QEC) throughout 2022.
Non-members of ACHE may attend but must create a free profile with ACHE to complete registration and only to be for the purpose of the event.
Come see your Future Healthcare Business Leaders from Colleges and Universities in the State of Florida present innovative approaches to Healthcare in this Business Strategy Competition.
Join us as we celebrate the 2025 Board of Directors installation for ACHE of South Florida.
Join us to gain an overview of the FACHE process, including the application process, requirements, and the board of Governors Exam
Join us for an evening of holiday networking!
Educational Program (1.5 in-person education credits)
This is a members-only event. Student members are not eligible to attend. Advanced registration is required. Space is limited, so register ASAP
This event is open to students in clinical and non-clinical disciplines from South Florida Universities and all ACHE members.
Educational Program (1.5 in-person education credits)
Bring a complimentary NON-ACHE member (must work in healthcare)
Educational Program (1.5 in-person education credits)
Educational Program (1.5 in-person education credits)
Join ACHE of South Florida members and supporters for the first networking event of 2024!
Exclusive Networking Event Sponsor
A special thanks to Ray Lainez and his team at World Class Parking for sponsoring this event!
"At World Class Parking we pride ourselves on being world class. We recognize that the valet parking service is the first and last impression an establishment leaves on the guests and we make it a professional and enjoyable experience from beginning to end."
For more information, visit
Educational Program (1.5 in-person education credits)
Understanding patients as consumers
Educational Program (1.5 in-person education credits)
Educational Program (1.5 in-person education credits)
Join us as we celebrate the 2024 Board of Directors installation for ACHE of South Florida. This year's keynote speaker is Mark Kent, FACHE, CEO of Cano Health. Mark is a highly sought-after speaker and author, with his most recently titled book being “WOW MOMENTS! Turning Everyday Experiences Into Extraordinary Events”
This is a members-only event. Student members are not eligible to attend. Advanced registration is required. Space is limited, so register ASAP
Join all four ACHE Florida chapters for an exclusive luncheon celebrating the ACHE-FHA partnership and our valued members.
Topics: Effective Leadership in Healthcare Workforce: Developing and Inspiring Your Team Emerging Trends and Innovations in Healthcare Workforce Management
Why diversity matters in the workplace.
The Future of Healthcare Financing - Private Equity in Healthcare. Financing, a driving force on the healthcare landscape, continues to become more complex. With budgetary pressures on Medicare and Medicaid, pay for performance and federal expectations for investment in technology.
To see the event, check out the video below.
Keynote Speakers: Shane Strum, President & CEO, Broward Health K. Scott Wester, FACHE, President & CEO, Memorial Healthcare System
This is a chapter MEMBER-ONLY professional development program for learning and open discussion with a member of the healthcare community's C-suite.
We will be holding an "UGLY SWEATER" contest so come dressed accordingly!
Attendees can choose from interactive one- and two-day seminars designed to help senior leaders position their organizations for success. Join two chief innovation officers—Thomas Kiesau of The Chartis Group and Roberta Levy Schwartz, PhD, FACHE, of Houston Methodist—to gain concrete strategies for increasing the impact of your investments in innovation during “Driving Digital Health Innovation for Maximum Impact.” Explore decision-making frameworks for moving beyond moral distress to create workplaces where everyone can thrive with Jennifer Bickel, MD, chief wellness officer, Moffitt Cancer Center; and Jason Lesandrini, FACHE, assistant vice president of ethics, advanced care planning and spiritual health, Wellstar Health System; during “Thriving Together: Well-being Solutions for What We’ve Been Missing in Healthcare Delivery.”
Honoring David Smith, FACHE - 2022 Chapter Fellow Service Award Recipient
Hospitals and health systems have not always embraced a role in meeting behavioral health needs in communities because managing behavioral healthcare and mental health is very complex. Receiving both behavioral health and primary care treatment in one integrated setting can help people thrive and participate in their communities. Also, it can be valuable for the organization.
Hospitals and health systems have not always embraced a role in meeting behavioral health needs in communities because managing behavioral healthcare and mental health is very complex. Receiving both behavioral health and primary care treatment in one integrated setting can help people thrive and participate in their communities. Also, it can be valuable for the organization.
The forum will feature healthcare leaders that will speak about healthcare leadership career development resources, opportunities e.g. administrative fellowships, executive development programs, key certifications etc., leadership skills, and actionable professional insights after which a robust Q & A portion will take place. Participants will also get to attend a job fair and networking session before the program begins.
Leadership and leading others is more of an art than science especially in healthcare. At times, the new healthcare executive may be in a leadership position for the first time or may have little direct experience compared to those who they are managing. Conversely, leading other generations other than one's own requires skills that can be honed. The panelists will present strategies for successfully navigating these leadership challenges and insight into how to avoid common management mistakes. Updated flyer is attached.
Event Partner
About Our Host - DSignage check out the following videos and links:
Today’s healthcare executives face many challenges including the most salient - workforce shortages especially since the pandemic. Optimizing the workforce is of great importance to healthcare organizations in the current environment. Join us to gain insights from healthcare executives and experts about strategies and solutions for recruitment, retention and the resilience of the workforce.
Today’s healthcare executives face many challenges such as workforce shortages, updating technology, making facility infrastructure improvements and providing safe high-quality patient care. Each of these initiatives in addition to the ever-increasing regulatory demands and diminishing financial rewards, make financial challenges extraordinarily complex. Join us to gain insights from various healthcare executives and experts about strategies to sustain a healthcare organization’s bottom line.
Event Partner
The communities for which healthcare organizations operate are rapidly diversifying. Not only do they provide care for a diverse community of patients and families, but their workforce is also changing, and at times does not reflect the patient community. The business implications and imperatives healthcare organizations face concerning diversity, equity, and inclusion are immense. It is incumbent on healthcare organizations and their leaders to both understand and embrace the needs of diverse populations. Leader’s abilities to respond to the needs and preferences of a broader customer base will be critical to their financial and operational success.
The FACHE credential brings continuous value to you as a healthcare leader, to your organization and to your community. It provides recognition as a leader among leaders, demonstrates your competency in all areas of healthcare management and signifies your lifelong commitment to the field. Join us to learn about how to begin your journey to board certification in healthcare management (FACHE), learn about the promotions and incentives available to you this year, and get tips and lessons from a panel of board-certified healthcare leaders.
Join us as we celebrate members, sponsors, and supporters for their contributions to ACHE and our local chapter in 2021 and 2022! We will also be recognizing Mr. Aurelio M. Fernandez, III, FACHE, for his many years as a member and supporter of ACHE and ACHE of South Florida as the 2021 Healthcare & Community Impact Award recipient.
In today’s changing healthcare environment, early careerists need skills and strategies to position themselves for the future. You have the freedom to create the career paths that link your talents and interests with the right job. To achieve upward mobility in your career, you must constantly reinvent your brand. Learn from your peers the necessary steps to take your career path to the next level. This panel will focus on nuts-and-bolts career planning for early careerists.
This is the Annual ACHE-SFL Healthcare Leadership Development Case Competition in which teams from our finest local universities present on a healthcare case before a panel of judges who are healthcare leaders and experts. This year's case is about developing insights and solutions for healthcare organizations to address the impact of COVID-19 on the workforce and workplace. Breakfast will be provided, valet & self parking is available and space is limited. A very special thanks to Boca Raton Regional Hospital for hosting the 2022 case competition.
This is a chapter MEMBER-ONLY career development program that gives you the opportunity for learning and open discussion with a member of the healthcare community's C-suite.
Preparing for an unplanned or unexpected event causes physical, psychological and emotional stresses that can overwhelm employees, medical staff, patients and communities. Healthcare leaders need to understand ways to prepare their organization for these circumstances (e.g. natural disaster, pandemic, civil disturbances, medical error or labor disputes). This panel discussion will provide insight and perspectives on ways to manage an unforeseen crisis within the healthcare organization and its community.
Healthcare organizations must ensure that their staff is educated on disparities to appropriately address the needs of ALL patients. The program will discuss the importance of equitable care in addressing the healthcare needs of patients from diverse cultural and economic backgrounds, persons with disability, persons in the LGBTQ+ community.
Event Partner
Event Partner